St Joseph's RC Primary School

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St Joseph's RC Primary School, Market Street Mossley OL5 0ES

Joanne Hirst

01457 832360

St Joseph's RC Primary School

Love, Care, Share, Laugh, Learn & Live

The Carpenter's Tale Summer 2014 -1

Welcome back to the summer term.

This is a busy term in school because of the tests and assessments being carried out.

It is very important that all children are in school. It is especially important for Y6 to be present of the week 12th - 16th May as the national SATs tests are carried out then.

Parents will be informed of results of assessments later on in the second half of term.


The website is updated on a regular basis. Information about class topics, photographs of events and important messages are all on there. Please look at the website for details. Each class puts information about teaching content for the half term on the website. The school will however continue to send out paper copies of newsletters and individual letters for class based events especially when permission slips are required.

Mission Statement

As a Roman Catholic school the school is inspected by the Diocese as well as Ofsted. The inspection takes a specific form (the 5 Ws) and the school Mission statement has been rewritten to reflect this.

Please find a copy of the new Mission Statement below:

May we welcome everyone into our caring Catholic community.

May belief in the word of God be central to all our work and learning.

May we truly care for the welfare of each and every one of us, regardless of differences.

May we truly worship with all our hearts and minds.

May we be witness to the glory of God each and every day in all we do.

Our school motto is:

Love, Care, Share, Laugh, Learn and Live

Hopefully you will see and hear these words in use around the school as a core of our behaviour policy at all times.

St Joseph’s Penny

Thank you for your continued support of Caritas St. Joseph’s Penny. If there any boxes still at home could they please be returned to school as soon as possible. Thank you.

Whit Walks

Whit Friday is 13th June. The whole school joins in this procession of witness. We welcome as many parents, grandparents etc as possible to help us on that day to care fully for the children and ensure their safety and well being. If you wish to join in please book the day in your diary now. Further details will be sent on the next newsletter but parents need to be aware that the school will close at 1.30pm on that day to enable the school playground to be set up for the evening concert and also so children can join in the sports events taking place around Mossley. Traditionally children on the sacramental programme wear their Communion day clothes and walk alongside Our Lady’s statue in the procession.


The school inspection has not yet taken place so could be any time during this next term. Parents will be informed on the day that the school is notified. We will however be having an RE inspection in June.


Some Salford Diocese levy contributions are still outstanding. Reminders have been sent out from the school office so if you have already done so please send the money into school as soon as possible. Thank you

Free School Meals

If you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) please apply. Money is given to the school budget to help your child. Currently any child receiving FSM is given priority for places on trips. The costs of all visits, residential and other treats are covered by school. Attendance at after school dance club, PE club etc is also paid by this money as well as many other activities set up by school to benefit them e.g, extra help with schoolwork, extra music sessions, IT club and so forth. We are also looking at providing some items of uniform in the future. Please check if you are eligible and claim even if you do not want your child to have a school meal.

After School Clubs

Monday            PE Club Y5/Y6 - 4.15pm finish

Tuesday           Filmclub (finish time varies re length of each film)

                         Badminton club - 4.15pm finish

Wednesday      Chess - 4.15pm finish

Thursday          No Clubs

Friday               Dance Club - 4.15pm finish

School meals

In September all children in Reception class, Year 1 and Year 2 will be having a school meal free of charge. The meals will be provided by Carillion and the children will all eat together in the school hall. Obviously no payment will be needed for any child in these classes but older children will still need to pay for their school meals. A letter will be sent in June asking parents of children currently in Y2,3,4 and 5 to indicate the style of meal they will be taking in September so that dining furniture places can be counted. Carillion state that there will be three or four choices of lunch from hot lunches to “grab and go” packed lunch style bags. It is important to note however that parents must still apply for Free School Meals as above as this carries other benefits for the child in terms of school. Carillion are hoping to develop a pre order system for meals so that parents can choose in advance each child’s meals but details of this are not yet known.

If any parent does not want their child to have a free meal then they must inform the school in writing of this objection before Friday 23rd May and continue to provide their own packed lunch for the child. Thank you.

Walk to Hartshead Pike

The Home School group are organising a walk from the Billy Goat public house to Hartshead Pike on Sunday 18th May. This is a sponsored walk but will be an opportunity for a fun filled healthy outing for the whole family. If you wish to take part please speak to Mrs Cunningham for a form to complete. This walk is for children and adults to attend together so please do not send any child unaccompanied along on this day to ensure their safety.


Have you been to visit any places locally that you think would be a great destination for a school trip? If so could you please let us know. It is very difficult to find good local cost effective trips for the children but most people have really happy memories of school trips. If you know of anywhere suitable could you please let us know so that we can investigate its potential for the children to visit. Thank you.