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St Joseph's RC Primary School, Market Street Mossley OL5 0ES

Joanne Hirst

01457 832360

St Joseph's RC Primary School

Love, Care, Share, Laugh, Learn & Live

Class 4

Class 4 Spring 2014 - 2

Literacy - significant authors and persuasive writing including leaflets and adverts.

Numeracy - 24hr clock and calculating differences between times;  reading and using time tables. Fractions including problem solving. Statistics including reading bar and line graphs and answering questions finding the sum and the difference.

Science - changing sounds including making a sound box.

Computing - using an audio programme - audacity - to create a sound track, (to accompany a 'movie' to made next term using movie maker.

Geography ongoing research into St Lucia including question - is tourism good or bad?

Art - in Caribbean style also Easter cards

DT - make a tuned percussion instrument 

RE - reconciliation in year 5 and in class work on Lent and Easter 

PE - dance and games activities 

We will celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 6th March when pupils will dress as characters from our class text - War Horse.

We are hoping to attend a special screening of War Horse later in the term. Details to be confirmed.


Spellings will continue to be issued and tested on Tuesday afternoons. 

Please ensure that home reading and those all important questions continue, and that reading diaries come into school every day.

Times tables need continuous work - 6, 7, 8, 9s! (And the related division facts).

Parent workshops, weekly, on Fridays 3.15pm cover main skills taught in the preceding week and show HOW they are delivered with key vocabulary. Activity sheets allow consolidation of skills at home...all welcome!

Please remember I am available to discuss any concerns / issues after school most days, or phone to make an appointment.

Best wishes

M. Poulton 

Class 4 Spring 2014 - 1

Welcome back and a Happy New Year!

These are the areas we will work on in the next 6 weeks:


Fractions – recognising equivalent decimals and decimal fractions

Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100

Recognising value of all digits in integers with 6 digits and decimal numbers to 2 decimal places

Reading scales accurately (including practical work to bake cakes)

In geometry using co ordinates in all 4 quadrants and translating shapes

Convert between different units of measure and solve problems using money and mass

Multiply numbers using formal written methods

Divide numbers up to 4 digits by 1 digit numbers using formal written method of short division


Through the areas of Traditional stories; stories which raise issues; and stories from other cultures\;

We will develop our understanding of the relationships between characters, write character descriptions and understand that events can be viewed differently by different characters in a story.

We will develop our grammar skills including use of prepositions, clauses in sentences, conjunctions and openers to add pace and interest to our work. We will continue to develop spelling skills and know and use rules for words ending in y. We will use apostrophes for possession with both singular and plural nouns

In all our work we will develop our handwriting and focus on the correct size of capital letters.


We will learn that all things are either a solid, liquid or gas, and that materials can change their ‘state of matter’ when heated / cooled. Also that some of these changes are reversible whilst others are not!

Geography/ ICT/ Art

Through our topic of St Lucia we will develop map skills and use ICT to investigate and record information. We will paint scenes of St Lucia and use literacy skills to explain our learning.


We will develop volleyball skills

Victorian Crafts

Making Punch and Judy puppet theatres

Parent Workshops

Parent Workshops are held weekly on Fridays 3.15pm and are proving very popular.

Come along to find out what your child has been learning each week and learn the vocabulary and methods used to help your children continue their learning at home. A crib sheet and activity ideas are provided as a 'pack' each session.

Mrs Poulton is available for private discussion after the workshop with any parents who have any concerns. 



Class 4 Assembly

Class 4 thought about the gifts from their heart they could offer a child in need, in
their assembly. 

Class 4 Autumn Term 2103 - 2

Welcome back after a wet and breezy half term. These are the main areas we will look into this half term:

Numeracy: extend understanding of place value, including decimals; round integers and decimals; counting on and back in 10s, including through hundred; increase / decrease any number by 1,000; addition and subtraction using vertical columns; recognising equivalent fractions; changing improper fractions to mixed numbers; adding fractions; perimeter; area; volume; co ordinates and direction.

Literacy: identifying imagery in poetry; writing poetry; homophones; Shape poetry, Kennings; performing poetry; play scripts – including use of adverbs, written conventions, use of narrator (linked to DT and Victorians – Punch and Judy); Dramatic conventions – writing a TV newscript. Grammar, punctuation and spelling. Developing understanding of fiction and non fiction through guided reading and written comprehension.

Science: Exploring thermal insulators through ‘keeping warm’ theme

History /Art / DT:  Victorian theme – making Christmas cards, peg dolls, Punch and Judy theatre show,’ stained glass windows’

ICT: Victorian link – create a 4 section picture board to be used as base for calendar

PE: Netball and small ball skills

In addition we will be preparing for the Christmas season by learning the songs and carols for the Carol Service at the end of term.

Looking forward to a busy and successful term.

M. Poulton

Class 4 Autumn term 2013 - 1

As we start a new academic year, we are looking forward to an exciting and challenging learning experience.

In Numeracy we will develop our understanding and confidence with place value, working with numbers up to one million! We will then use this understanding to order and round integers and decimals, before multiplying 4 and 5 digit numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000. We will develop mental maths skills and use number bonds confidently. We will consolidate knowledge of 3, 4, 6 times tables and their related division facts. Shapes will be explored, and lines of symmetry found. We will also work to develop time facts and use the 24hr clock.

In Literacy we will learn to write good instructions, recounts and recognise features of older literature (linked to our History topic). Throughout the work grammar and punctuation skills will be taught and extended, as will knowledge of spelling and key spelling rules.

In Science we will develop knowledge of electricity and learn of its dangers, in order to keep ourselves safe.

Our History topic is Victorians, and we will look at this vast topic from a child’s perspective. A trip to Portland Basin has been planned for week 2 of the term to engage pupils in their work and bring the experience of a Victorian classroom to life!!

ICT skills will be developed in conjunction with the topic, as the internet will be used to develop research skills and power points produced encompassing knowledge gained from their research and photographs taken on the trip.

PE will be taught by Miss Soliman on Tuesdays, developing gymnastic skills, and by myself on Fridays when hockey skills will be taught.

Art will relate to topic work, using silhouettes amongst other things!

Looking forward to a great term!

M Poulton

Class 4 Science Investigation - Electricity
















Visit to Portland Basin

Class 4 experienced a Victorian style school day at Portland Basin museum

Boys line up to go in to school

Girls line up to go in to school

Boys sit in the  front

Getting the cane!

Hand Inspection 

Sit up straight

Strict teacher

Writing on slate boards

Victorian costune



Class 4 Autumn term 2013 - 1


Dear Parent/Carer,

As we look forward to a new academic year here are a few points that I hope will help you and your child to be organised and get the most out of the many opportunities for learning in Class 4. There are already 2 visits planned! (See the separate trip letter.)

Spelling will be taught and tested weekly on a Tuesday 1 – 1.30pm, although many spelling rules and strategies will be integrated into the daily literacy lessons as well. The Government have issued 100 ‘key words’ for all year 3 / 4 children and a further 100 words for children in year 5 / 6. With this in mind, the spellings for Autumn incorporate words from the year 3 / 4 list for all the children (as the year 5s need to know these too), and key maths spellings.

I have reduced the number of spellings to learn to 10, initially, as some of the words are challenging! I will be expecting all the children to achieve a minimum of 8 correct spellings each week, and more importantly, to integrate these spellings into their work in all subjects. Full marks will earn ‘Class Merits’!!

Guided reading will be weekly in groups and the children must hand in their reading diary and home reading book at this session. Please try to read with your child and discuss the text, regularly, during the week. 

Reading books and diaries must be brought to school every day so that extra opportunities to read can be optimised. Please remember to sign the diary and comment on progress!

PE is on Tuesday and Friday in the afternoon, but PE kits should be in school all week as extra opportunities occur and some clubs may require PE kit to be worn. Also, during inclement weather children might need to change into pumps in school.

For the first 6 weeks of the Autumn term there will be an extra PE session on Tuesday morning, with a sports coach.

I am always willing to talk to parents about any concerns they may have and actively encourage you to come and see me with any issues sooner rather than later, any day after school. I am also going to offer a short ‘review of the week’ session on Fridays at 3.20pm for any interested parents, where I will provide examples of key skills covered in literacy and maths during the week, with examples of how these skills have been taught. This should help parents to support their child’s learning at home, and I hope you will find it useful.

Looking forward to an exciting and rewarding academic year!!

Best wishes

M. Poulton


New Pictures.

Look in the Gallery to see more pictures of Class 4 sketching at Hartshead Pike and learning about rotation and compass points and also doing paper activities indoors.


Summer Term 2013 - Second half Term

As we start the last term of the school year the sun is shining and I hope everyone is refuelled ready for a busy, hard working term.

In literacy we will look at: Stories in imaginary worlds. Information text, Explanation text and  Older Literature

In numeracy we will look at time, area and perimeter, reflection and translation, fractions, percentages – amongst other things – and use and apply our understanding to solve ‘real life’ problems.

In science we will learn about life cycles and different habitats – including using keys

In art we will look at ‘objects and meaning’; also art in the style of Kandinsky

In DT we will design and make money containers (purses!)

In PE we will hopefully enjoy the sunshine whilst developing skills in rounders


Please remember to have your PE kit in school every day – as sometimes extra opportunities occur to develop/ practice skills, but kit is essential!

Also please remember to bring your reading diary EVERY DAY, and your home reading book!!

Many thanks


Local History trip to Park Bridge

We enjoyed our local history trip to Park Bridge. We were all given job titles and as we toured the site with Lesley, the guide, we learnt where we might have lived in the village and what our job might have involved.

The role of 'earth closet shoveler' provoked a strong reaction!

Photos of our visit appear in the gallery.



Class 4 Summer 1 2013

This term we will be looking at stories from other cultures and stories which raise issues/dilemmas in literacy.

In Numeracy will develop understanding in problem solving; decimals (including money); shape – rotation; data handling – linked to science

Our topic is local history and we will visit Park Bridge to learn about life when the Iron industry was active there. In addition the children will listen to locals talk about life in Mossley when they were children.

In Science will be focusing on Moving and Growing and Staying Healthy

In Art will be linked to the week after SATS, where the focus will be on Spanish culture.

In PE will develop athletic skills.




Poster Competition - Party in the Park

Class 4 won the Tameside competition to design a poster for 'smoke free parks' in Tameside. All the class were treated to a private party in Stamford Park in the new Pavillion, with a member of their family. We had games, entertainment, food, and the winner was announced.

Please see the pictures of the day in the gallery.


Class 4 Spring Term (second half) 2013

Here are the topic areas we will be studying this term:

Science – changing sound

Numeracy – data handling, reading scales, converting units of measurement, perimeter, area (using a formula), angles, fractions

Literacy – adverts, persuasive writing, comprehension skills

DT – design and make a tuned instrument

PE – dance and athletics

RE – reconciliation



Class 4 Spring Term (first half) 2013

Here are the topic areas we will be studying this term:

Geography – Chembakoli

Science – Gases and Changing State

DT – Diwali Diyas

PE – small ball skills and volleyball

ICT – Using ICT to research Chembakoli and present information using a  power point

Literacy – Classic Narrative;Traditional Stories; myths, fables etc

Numeracy – Place value, four rules of number, problem solving, know features of 2D and 3D shapes, measures.

We will be holding a ‘Chembakolli Day’ in the last week of term, to help the children to appreciate what life might be like for a school child in this small village in Southern India.



Welcome Class 4

Dear parent/carer,

As we look forward to a new academic year here are a few points that I hope will help you and your child to be organized and get the most out of the opportunities in Class 4.

Spellings will be tested weekly on a Wednesday 9 – 9.30am, when the next week’s list will also be issued. Tests will be in 2 groups - Year 4 and Year 5, initially.

Guided reading will be weekly in groups and the children must hand in their reading diary and home reading book at this session. Please try to hear your child read, and discuss the content of the text, regularly during the week. Reading books and diaries must be brought to school every day so that extra opportunities to read can be optimized.

PE is on Monday and Friday, but PE kits should be in school all week as extra opportunities occur and some clubs may require PE kit to be worn. Also, during inclement weather children might need to change into pumps in school.

Please find below a website address for a useful maths site which gives the targets for each year group and sample activities in each area. If your child is finding a particular aspect of maths challenging, this might help:

Click on this link!

I am always willing to talk to parents about any concerns they may have and actively encourage you to come and see me with any concerns sooner rather than later, any day after school.

Best wishes

M. Poulton



Class 4 Autumn 2012

Topic – Map skills

Science – Circuits and Planets

DT – Light it up

PE – hockey skills, cross country, gymnastics

ICT – locate, copy and paste a picture into a word document; insert sound hyperlink. Edit and save the work. Also cross curricular work as appropriate.

Assembly – the power of Faith

Literacy – Instructions, Recounts, Stories with historical settings, Newspaper reports

Numeracy – Number work (place value, rounding, multiply and divide by 10 and 100 including decimals, negative numbers); Identify features of polygons, rectangles, triangles and 3D shapes. Identify lines of symmetry; Solve word problems with one and two steps