Home School Agreement
At St. Joseph’s our prime intention is to help each child succeed in all areas of life to the best of his or her ability. This is achieved most successfully if parents, teachers, home, church and school all work together to support the child. Please read and sign the agreement here and return the slip to school. Thank you.
In partnership the school will do its best to ensure that:
We provide a Catholic education based on a broad and balanced curriculum and teaching that will enable each child to achieve his / her full potential.
We provide a happy, safe, caring, orderly and spiritually aware environment.
We provide a positive approach, promote self-discipline and respect for others and property.
We are open, welcoming and supportive of parents, visitors and members of the parish and local community.
We provide homework according to the agreed policy.
We communicate readily and effectively with parents and children.
In partnership the family will:
Support the school’s Mission Statement and promote the Catholic ethos of our school.
Make sure children are punctual, attend school regularly and are properly equipped
Provide explanations for absence by phone before 9.15 am
Take an interest in the child / children’s progress, homework, school activities and attend parents’ evenings.
Support the school in the setting of standards and expectations of behaviour.
Inform the head teacher or class teacher of circumstances that may affect the child’s education or well-being.
In partnership the child will:
Always try his best, be cheerful and follow class and school rules;
Show good manners at all times; respect staff, fellow pupils and visitors;
Respect school premises, property and resources
Respect the right of others to study and learn
Behave sensibly so as to keep us all happy and safe as we learn
Be punctual, bring reading books, homework and PE kit as required
Share his feelings honestly and politely and show consideration for others in school
Carry out homework and other tasks as requested.